Ep.1: Intro to Standardized Patients

What even is a Standardized Patient? Join our host Katie Culligan and guest Jenna Rossman as they discuss first impressions of their jobs, how they got into the field, their first day, and why (after a combined 17 years!) they’re still in this industry.

Guest Jenna Rossman is a DC/New York-based actor. Recently, she starred in the short film “Airway” written and directed by Jessica Redish, currently on its festival circuit. In addition to all the on-camera work, Jenna has performed at the Kennedy Center, Eugene O’Neill Theater Center, Baltimore Center Stage, Rep Stage, and Rorschach Theatre. She resides with her partner and house plants in DC and continues to make a living at her dream day job as an actor for multiple medical and law schools throughout the DMV and NY area.


Ep.2: Feedback


The Standardized Patients Trailer